Pet rent at MH lot?

By Joanna

I am about to purchase a mobile home, but the lot where the home is located wants to charge me a $10/mo pet fee on top of my lot rent. Can they legally do this if I own my home and my pet is an indoor pet (housect)?

Edited on: Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 5:36 pm

One Response to “Pet rent at MH lot?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


April 8th, 2010 1:39 am

Yes, the landlord of your trailer park can make some restrictions.  However, I don’t know that he can legally charge you for a pet if it doesn’t impose on the lot you are renting.  For example, it would be logical to have an extra pet deposit or fee if you had a dog that might damage the yard etc.
Whether or not the fee is technically legal, if your landlord feels that he wants to charge you $10 per month to have a pet, well, you may be stuck.  Its probably not worth it to battle the landlord over $10 per month.  If you aren’t okay with it, then, I would suggest finding a different trailer park with a landlord that is not going to charge you some ridiculous pet fee.


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