Pet feces

By Bev

I don’t own a cat or dog but my area in front of my apartment has a strip of bark where the cat and dog owners use as a spot to allow the animals to urinate and deposit feces.  I have written management and nothing has happened. It has been over a month and no effort has been made to clean this up. I cant open my windows and when the temperature is above 100 I cant open my door. I have tried pepper, and moth balls. I don’t feel I should have to spend my money on a commercial chemical to eliminate this mess. In our lease this should never happen but it does. All cats and dogs are suppose to be indoors but people still don’t follow the rules. What do I  do?  I don’t feel it is healthy and I would love to be able to open my windows in the evening rather than run my AC.  Thank you. Bev

Edited on: Friday, July 12th, 2013 11:56 am

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