Paying for Illegal Apartment Electric–what do i do?
By anonc
I have noticed that my electricty bill is very high. I notice that there are only two mailboxes yet there is ana aprtment in the basement which would make it three units. I looked up the property at the tax assessors site and show that it is zoned for only 2 units. The basement is an illegal apartment. I asked my andlord to see the meters since I could not fidn them. Landrd refused in a evasive, trying to be nice but waive it off way. I called PSEG (I am in NJ) and there are only 2 meters for the building. I am having PSEG come out to do check for a high bill complaint. I know I am paying for the basement unit along with the washer, dryer, and other appliances that are located downstairs so I want to prove it before moving forward. I am upset but even more so beacuse I know that the landlord knows based on the very odd and evasive responses I got to direct questions I asked.
Edited on: Monday, October 14th, 2013 2:02 pm
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