owner did not disclose termites to me before i rented

By lisa walker

MY LANDLORD RENTED TO ME WITH OUT DISClosing termites active in home. do i have rights ? as a renter?

Edited on: Thursday, May 19th, 2011 10:48 am

8 Responses to “owner did not disclose termites to me before i rented”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


July 8th, 2010 2:10 pm

We rented a condo from a Canadian owner by the name of Ms. Concetina Ambrosio and Mr. Miro Asourour, their telephone number 1-514-696-7231. The address is at F312, 5061 West Oakland Park Blvd. Lauderdale Lakes 33313. We rented for 3 months but after a month we left the place because my husband started to be sick. My husband is asthmatic and has emphysema for the last 25 years. During our stay in said condo, my husband started to feel sick so we moved out to a new place but we have tocut short our vacation in the new place because my husband has became serious. Upon arrival in Canada after a week, my husband was rushed to hospital for asthmatic congestion and was obliged to stay under oxygen for 11 days in the hospital.

We took pictures before we left the condo and on the ceiling we saw some black spots. Please send an expert to inspect the place if it is termites because we never had this experience. Please let us know of the result of your inspection.

We are not accusing the owner but the way my husband felt so badly and everybody told him that termites in the condo might be the caused of his lung congestion.

For the last 50 years my husband spend winter in Florida. He lives in the ground floor.

Hope that you give us results of your inspection.

Tom Germano
10746 Seguin St.
Montreal, Quebec H2B 2C1
Tel no. 1-514-389-7420
Fax no. 1-514-381-7706

Tom Germano

July 9th, 2010 10:33 am

As an addenda to our complaint filed yesterday, molds and termites might be thriving inside the upper ceiling. Upon arrival in the condo in Florida, we found the inside of the house was newly painted but has no idea what was inside the upper ceiling if molds and termites were thriving and as soon as the cooling/heating system is being used, the air coming in from the airduct of the system might be infested with molds. My husband an asthmatic has inhaled the air from the infested system.

My husband has spent winter time in Florida for the last 50 years but never got sick as he has after staying in that condo in Lauderdale Lakes. He has all the symptoms when one was exposed to indoor molds infestation such as allergy, breathing difficulties, mental dysfunction, memory loss or difficulties, sleep disorders, sneezing fit, sore throat (which caused his trouble in speaking), tremors (shaking), at times feeling of dizziness, unsteadiness and lastly he was affected with pneumonities and lung congestion. If you want to know the hospital where my husband was confined for 11 days from March 22 to April 1st, we will forward you the hospital file.

Termites might also be thriving inside the upper ceiling because if there are coconut trees around surely termites might be in abundant.

We are not accusing the owner of the condo directly, we just want the proper authorities to make the inspection and let us know the result because we are just puzzled why my husband got so very sick after staying in said condo. Please advise us as soon as you have inspected the place in Lauderdale Lakes.


July 10th, 2010 1:30 am

Hi Tom,

Best of luck to you on the complaint. I don’t really have to much to say about your situaton, since I don’t really know. But I did once have to file a rental complaint, so I can give you some advice concerning your filed complaint.

Check you case status online often!! The agent working your case will update your case online and may need you to respond. Try to check every couple of days. Don’t be too surprised if at first it seems to be taking awhile to get a response from your landlord… The RPA has to provide your landlord with legal paperwork and a reasonable time to respond.

If you have any questions you can contact your agent directly via you case status. I wouldn’t over use this option, but its there if you need it. With my complaint I contacted my agent a couple of times and always got a response back.

Upload any supporting documentation. If you have any pictures, notices, letters, etc — upload them to your case. It will help the agent understand exactly whats going on.

Other than those points, the complaint process for me was fairly painless.

Good luck!

Tom Germano

July 11th, 2010 5:21 pm

As an addenda to our complaint filed last July 9, 2010, about the condo being rented to us located in F312, 5061 West Oakland Park Blvd. Lauderdale Lakes 33313, Florida, being infested with termites, during this time of the year there is nobody there but there is a lady staying on the same floor by the name of Mary of Condo 303 and she has all the keys of the condos.

We can provide you also with picture taken on the ceiling where there is a black spot even if the condo was repainted before we arrived there. It looks like they were trying to hide something.

Please send somebody to inspect the place and let us know of result.

Thank you.

Tom Germano

July 12th, 2010 3:31 pm

We have read your reply. We would like to inquire if you know the telephone number or
address of the Rental Protection Agency. We have not received any word from them yet.

Thank you.

Tom Germano

July 13th, 2010 8:45 am

We want you to inspect the condo at F312, 5061 West Oakland Park Blvd., Lauderdale Lakes 33313, Florida soon as possible because I am under medical care and we have to know the cause of my latest sickness. I am a regular visitor of Florida every winter time for the last 50 years. Last winter was the first time I rented on the last floor of the building
and I felt so very bad as I have never felt before considering that I am an asthmatic with emphysema for the last 25 years. We can send a picture and the owner repainted the condo to conceal the black spots on the walls or ceiling but there is a portion on the ceiling behind the mirror, there is a black section of the wall of the ceiling. Please I need your report.

Thank you in advance.


Can you give us the telephone number and address of your Agency.

margaret hanlin

November 16th, 2010 1:26 pm

we moved in our home last November 09″ signed a year lease with intentions of renting to own. When we first saw the home it was nice fresh paint nice carpet i the living room area and the rest hard wood flooring. anyway in the living area the wall in the corner was damp to the touch, so my husband took off the dry wall and underneath was wet mold all the way up and through to the floor and outward to the bricks, and termites had eaten the bords inside the wall holding the house up! We were shocked….we had no idea and she (the owner) let us know anything. On the lease it says we are responsible for all repairs and decorating or anything that needs to be done to the house is our responsibility. What can we do?
Margaret Hanlin
619 west 17th street
north little rock, arkansas

Debra Kimbler

June 21st, 2012 7:58 am

We brought a home where they put duck tape in closet and painted over it,you have to disclose all wrong with home right?


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