Our Landlord is breaking a 12 month Lease to do a short-sale, what are our rights?

By Scarlett


Our Lease is until June 3, 2011. Our landlord has informed us (3 days ago) that they will be moving forward with a short-sale and renegotiated (through email) a lower rent while we must deal with letting people view the house.

Can our landlord all of a sudden just tell us we are now month-to-month because of his need to do a short sale?

Does this automatically make our lease null (a short-sale) and move us to a month-to-month tenancy whereas we can be given 30 days notice to move? Or is the landlord still legally bind by the contract to let us know they will not be renewing the lease and give us 60 days as of the date the lease is up.

If the lease is broken by the landlord is he obligated to pay to relocate us in addition to returning our deposit? If we stay and pay the reduced rent do they still have the 21 days after we leave to return the deposit?

I need to know what our rights are in this situation

Edited on: Saturday, June 25th, 2011 2:08 pm

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