Online legal advice
By Katharina Garvin
My husband and I rented a house In charlotte from a private renter. There was no early termination clause in the lease. We paid a year of rent up front because my husband had not started working yet. His job contract got recended because of budget cuts and we were forced to move out of state. We found new renters that were approved by the landlord and they moved in the day we moved out, so there was no gap in rent payment for the landlord. He verbally agreed to refund our rent if the new renters stayed through our lease term. Now he is saying that he will only refund a part of what we paid. I know that it is illegal to charge rent twice on the same place but i can’t find a statute to back it up. Do I have any online legal advice recourse to recover my money? HELP!!!
Edited on: Saturday, December 28th, 2013 10:11 am
3 Responses to “Online legal advice”
Richard Bagget January 10th, 2009 9:33 pm |
Wow, sounds like the landlord is really taking advantage of your early rent payment. However, it sounds like you still have rights that should protect this money. Although the actual statute stating the specific rent law can help you understand better, ultimately it will not get your money back. Most likely there is no written statute that refers to your situation. |
dan January 14th, 2009 6:40 pm |
thats just wrong! I cant beleive your landlord would charge double. Good luck getting your money! |
Nelson November 26th, 2012 11:52 am |
Richard is correct. My cousin faced a similar problem where he paid complete rent at before and later on at the later stage after 8 month or so was moving out from that place and landlord wasn’t ready to refund rest of the amount. The landlord was extremely bad behavioural person, however rental protection agency handled his case very well and their investigation agent helped really well and the problem is sorted now, my cousin received some less money as was landlord to give, however the case is resolved now. |
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