noisy children

By jewel

I have been renting an apartment for seven months, about six weeks ago, new neighbors moved in upstairs. she has two kids, 2yrs and 4yrs. They are up late almost every night, usually till around eleven or later, sometimes as late as two or three in the morning yelling screaming running jumping and pounding. I have a full time job during the day, and being forced to stay awake so late every night is affecting my job performance. the mom says it’s because they’re off their bed time schedule because of the move, but does it take six weeks to put two kids back on a bedtime schedule?? she doesn’t seem to be trying to keep the noise down, and I have talked to the apartment office about it, but they said it’s basically my word against hers, so there’s not much that can be done. Is this correct? is there anything else I can do? when the neighbor found out I had made a complaint about them, she came down and yelled at me for like fifteen minutes, and now she is texting me multiple times a day, pretty much just being obnoxious and snotty. my sister told me to call the police on them when it happens after 10, but since she’s already being so outright mean to me, i don’t want to make that worse (i’m a pretty non-confrontational person). I don’t know what to do, I’ve never had to deal with a situation like this before. Any advice is appreciated

Edited on: Thursday, January 24th, 2013 6:52 pm

One Response to “noisy children”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


January 25th, 2013 1:53 am

I have actually been on the other side of things… I rented an apt on the 3rd floor and with my 3 kids I never thought they were loud but the neibor below me was constantly complaining. Not that they were noisy vocally but they’re footsteps sounded like stomping every time they walked. This is sometimes something they forget about when leasing upstairs the walls and carpeted floors are apartment built…cheaply made and paper thin I actually think it echoed below. It was quite frustrating to keep hearing the people below me complain constantly as I did try to keep my kids very quiet but as a mom with 3 kids I’m not going to force them to be statues either. You do have a right to peace and quiet ask the manager if you can move and have the apartment split your moving bill. I offered to move but they’re lease was up before hand. Try not to be too hard on your neibor though as I was really offended at first that people were complaining about my children most moms will be. I think the best solution is to move to the top floor urself. I wish they would have put me on the first floor as 3 flights of stairs w three kids that’s crazy anyways. Good luck hope that helps. You should talk to the manager maybe they could possibly move her as well. I would.


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