Noise complaints, Unreasonable Neighbors and Landlord

By Richard

I have received several noise complaints and a cop called due to my neighbors below me being awoken after quiet hours (11pm – 8am)and complaining to our landlord. They say we are stomping around, "sounds like their moving furniture" and slamming doors. After the first complaint we have taken all precautions we can including tip toeing around,slowly shutting doors, limiting the need to leave and walk down the loud old stairs. Yet we still continue to receive complaints and now we are being threaten with eviction. Our Landlord is completely siding with the neighbors below me. Which I believe is because me and roommate are college kids. Currently looking for a lawyer but i really dont want to see it go that far but if it does i have no problem doing so. Is there anything that protects me? I should be focusing on school not finding a lawyer….

Edited on: Tuesday, October 15th, 2013 3:51 am

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