Noise Complaint against us, threat of Eviction
By SD2010
I have lived in my rental unit for 25years. I pay my rent on time, I do not complaint or make an issue about other tenents as I have always figured it is townhouse living with common walls. My daughter and son in law moved in with me and where put on the lease. Our Complex manager on site (it is overseen by a Property Manager company) is mean and vindictive and goes after lots of people about petty things.
He claims that he has 11 documented complaints of noise against us in 8 weeks. He thought this is the first time he has brought this to us in eight weeks. He gave us a final notice letter with no back up or documentation. I asked him for a list of the 11 times and by who? He said that it was confidental and only if we went to court and if a judge requested the info he would produce it as we might retaliate against the person. So I have no way to defend us or even know if the dates we where even home.
My daughter goes to graduate school and goes at night twice a week. I work long hours and am out quite a bit. My son in law works a lot of nights. One of our next door neighbors are young people and they slam their doors all the time and it shakes our place. I have never complained about it.
So when i ask him to produce the list of 11 complaints as I believe some of them are really the other neighbors slamming the doors he wrote back that I have never complained and therefore he didn’t believe me in so many words.
Do I have any rigthts? I am going to write him and copy the property management firm. Should we just move? This is very stressful and I am in shock.
The nieghbor who I believed has filed the complaint is single older and lives alone.
Thank you for your help.
Edited on: Wednesday, March 16th, 2011 5:21 pm
One Response to “Noise Complaint against us, threat of Eviction”
Anonymous February 23rd, 2010 4:49 am |
I’m just trying to figure out why you want to stay? Its clear your landlord is not treating you very well, so if you’re looking for some type of confirmation to move, well, here it is: MOVE!! Why in the world would you put yourself through that? Your landlord sounds like a jerk. |
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