no security deposit and more charges

By kelly

my apartmen is old. havent been renovated for nearly 10 years. i moved in 2.5 years ago as roommate

and took over the lease. same as all ppl who used to live here for 10 years.

my previous landlord who passed away last year was a very nice old man.

the reason i decided to live here was because of him.

but now his son is a new landlord. im moving out today.

but he will charge me $1,200 out of my security deposit ($1,800)

for licking water problem behind the tiles in bathroom.

he said "I will pay for any of the plumbing work,

and the tile along the wall where the plumbing is,

but not damage related to water from the shower hitting

the tiles in the back and side of shower."

which it was like for years. i did not know there was licking problem .

i am not sure about the law that he can charge me for that.

i am also worried that he will charge me more than my security deposit.

i feel like this is not right for him to charge me for all the damage that was made long time ago.

pls. can someone advice me?


Edited on: Wednesday, August 31st, 2011 2:26 pm

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