No hot water

By Marie

I have not had hot water for the past week. Many complaints to my LL although they have sent the maintence and plumber to “fix” the problem I still have no hot water only tepid warm water. I’m tired of being told the problem is fixed when it is so clearly not.

Edited on: Monday, March 25th, 2013 8:11 pm

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No hot water

By Aliecat

My neighbor has a leak under his kitchen for the past 2 days because its the weekend he couldn\’t get touch with anyone.. We finally got a hold of the homeowners association.. They turned off the hot water around 11:00 this morning they said they won\’t fix it until tomorrow because of the weekend overtime.. So now all ten unit will not have hot water until its this legal in the state of California? What are our rights..his it is owned by a trust at the bank..

Edited on: Sunday, March 3rd, 2013 8:41 pm

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