No AC in August

By Hot in VA

Our AC has been out for over a week.  We have central air and have submitted a work order every day.  They have sent people out, but no one knows how to fix it.  After a week in 90 degree heat they finally figure it’s an electrical issue.  They don’t know how to fix it or even how to find the wire that seems to be the issue.  We only have one window that opens.  They brought us a small window unit after 5 days, but it has not been below 80 in the apartment for over a week.  It is August and we live in Southeastern Virginia.  Do we have anything here?  Compliants we can file?  Grounds for breaking our lease?  They have no idea when it will be fixed and I haven’t exactly noticed an electrician onsite working to fix the issue.

Edited on: Sunday, August 5th, 2012 2:55 pm

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