Neighbors with deep and loud bass stereo.
By Steve
About 2 and half years ago, a couple, with their part time daughter, moved in with a loud stereo system. There have been times when the music and TV have been so loud that it sounds like a live concert is taking place.
Even when it is not loud , however, it is still annoying due to the deep bass that rumbles throughout my body. Ear plugs are worthless.
I began keeping track of all the disturbances two year ago this week. Tonight was disturbance # 129.
I have spoken with the fellow on two occasions about the noise level, the latest was April 1.
He sarcastically looked at his invisible watch and said ‘ It’s not 10 o’ clock bro". and shook his head up and down.
The music has been somewhat lesss annoying, but the TV is just as bad as always. Tonight was particularly bad.
I had never complained to the pseudo landlord about them, but i did comment to him tonight about them. he lives on the other side of them.
I call him the "pseudo landlord" because he is the brother in law of the owner, and I was told they are not gettin along. Hence he has likely been striped of his influence.
At any rate, what i asked him was " Are you at all bothered by the loud stereo?" He replied " i can’t hear anything in my room.
Needless to say, he is not concerned.
The apartment owner has also proven negligent in many matters, and is ranked in the red at the bottom 20%.
Nevertheless, I am contemplating asking her to ask them to lower the volume, but it is unlikely she will do anything, or that they will comply.
My neighbor is an ex-felon, and , I suspect he could be a former gang member. I know they have no consideration for others.
they are the kind of people who care about appeasing others, so I suspect that I will probably have to move. It is only cheap rent that has kept me here for 20 years. Nevertheless, I hate to seem that get away with it.
Any suggestions will be welcome.
There are also parking isssues here that i will adress later.
When he was comig up the stairs about an hout ago, I asked hium
Edited on: Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 3:42 pm
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