neighbor upstairs are very noisy…what to do?

By Nick

I live in a 3 level apartment building and have been complaining for last 5 months about the family of 4 (parents and 2 kids, 4-5 yrs old) living upstairs and making so much noise early morning (6AM) and late night till 11:30 PM. Their kids jump and run around in the living and bed room and my ceiling wood squeaks so badly that I cannot get full sleep any time. On top of this, I have been struggling with the apartment management to convince them that it’s really very noisy. Last month, they agreed on doing the 3rd party review, which means, I can call management person before 9AM and then management office from 9AM to 5PM and after 5PM I should call the security, if I find it’s very noisy and disturbing. All these 3rd party options are not at all working for me. Morning time, this management person does not pick the phone, From 9AM to 5PM, I am at work and after 5PM, if I call security, he does not come immediately (He shows up 3 -4 hrs after the call) and by the time he comes, there is no noise.  I raised my concerns about these 3rd party problems, but management reply is, that’s all they can do to help me. I requested them if they can hire someone or let me hire someone, who can sit in my apartment for 2-3 hrs during evening time, when it’s very noisy. I offered to pay for that person’s services from my pocket, even then management rejects that.  Please suggest, what else I can do to end this problem. Appreciate your time….

Edited on: Wednesday, April 24th, 2013 4:39 am

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