Neighbor Tenant’s Wind Chimes

By Patricia

I live in a duplex type apartment.  I am retired and I am home all day and I listen to my neighbor’s wind chimes 24/7.  Our apartment is in a high wind area coming out of the Southwest.  There are days, of course, when they wind is still but even a 5 MPH wind can cause her lightweight aluminum chimes to clang, clang, clang.  During the night, I rubber banded her chimes at 3 a.m. when she was not there.  I know it’s not right but I was so mad and tired and I just didn’t care.  I needed my sleep.  She is gone 2/3 of the time from her apartment.  I complained to my manager and she finally (after a lot of complaining) had the tenant move the chimes down about 15 feet to her bedroom window.  It barely improved the sound but I can still hear the chimes even with my windows closed.  At night it is the worst.  I like to sleep with my windows open during the summer but I cannot sleep with chime noise.  The tenant refuses to take the chimes down.  I am sleep deprived and my nerves are shot.  It is one thing to listen to them all day long, but at night when you want to sleep, it is a different story.  My manager told me she has every right to keep them up.  So my neighbor is forcing those wind chimes down my throat.  I am the only closest neighbor to her, everyone else is across the street and much farther away.  Today we had 20-30 MPH winds, the chimes were going nuts, very annoying, I am sick of listening to them.  

I feel I pay rent and am entitled to my peace and quiet enjoyment of my apartment but I cannot have it.  My manager is a wind chime lover, she told me so, so she is already biased and she feels I am complaining just for the sake of complaining and she belittles me when I speak to her.  She said to me today, "What about the traffic noise on I-75?  Doesn’t that bother you at night?  I thought that was ridiculous for her to ask me that and very unprofessional on her part.  I said, "No, it doesn’t bother because the road noise actually quiets down at night because the reduction in cars at night."  She doesn’t realize that clanging metal bars are a lot different than the hum of highway noise.  She is very passive/aggressive with me and actually ‘defends’ the neighbor ALL the time.  In a sense, it is like she is scolding me like a child for complaining and trying to humiliate me, as if my complaint is unfounded and she doesn’t believe one word I say.
Someone told me to call the police about the noise at night, but I don’t want to go that route but I don’t know what to do.  I am not on talking terms with my neighbor because we had an issue about her Surround Sound TV when she first moved in that was backed up to my bedroom wall, but she replaced that with a plasma TV, but it created hostility between us, so I really don’t want to talk to her.  This is the reason she won’t take the chimes down, to spite me.
Please advise and thank you in advance.

Edited on: Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 4:23 am

One Response to “Neighbor Tenant’s Wind Chimes”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


October 11th, 2013 10:29 pm

That’s really unfortunate. I know how something as silly as windchimes can really dig into your brain when you have to listen to it every day.


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