Neighbor Has Bed Bugs. We don’t. Who pays?

By Stephen

We live in a side-by-side duplex (in Iowa, if that matters). The neighbor stated that they found bed bugs a few weeks ago. We had our side inspected, and no bed bugs were found. The landlord has been made aware that the neighbors have bed bugs. She states that we must use the exterminator that she has hired, and we must pay for it. She claims she can’t tell who brought them in.

First of all, from my research, it appears the landlord is responsible for abatement unless it’s clear that someone brought them in. (both us and the other tenants just recently moved in within the last couple of months). Second, if we have proof that our side did not have bed bugs, shouldn’t the liability be on the landlord to pay for prevention and abatement? Third, if, for some reason we are responsible for paying for the abatement, shouldn’t we have the choice to use our own exterminator?

Edited on: Thursday, July 11th, 2013 1:11 pm

One Response to “Neighbor Has Bed Bugs. We don’t. Who pays?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


November 3rd, 2014 8:32 am

We used to pay under $650 a month for electricity but now the landlord install the Net Energy Meetering and told us that we’re going to pay $350 dollars every month from now on. Her and her family live upstairs and in front. We live in the back and also have gas stove, we pay gas for the stove. It’s really hard for us when we have 3 kids, 13 years, 10 years and 2 years old. When she divided the bill in to head of household she didn’t take out my youngest child but she take out her youngest
grandchild. I asked her why she take 1 of out one of them, she said because they will pay the bill from the electricity plus their share for NEM… We were paying bill for electricity and water before the NEM but i never complain, i know she take out one of them but never complain..


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