My rights w/ out a lease

By Heather

I need to know my rights as a renter with an expired lease. My septic is backing up into my bathtubs and shower overflowing in my toilets onto the floor. My landlord has not called a plumber or even come to see the problem. What can I do? Is this a health hazard?? The smell is horrible I have 2 children in the house. What do I do!!!

Edited on: Friday, July 20th, 2012 12:01 am

One Response to “My rights w/ out a lease”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


September 30th, 2010 2:55 am

Yes, you have rights. Even though your lease is expired, the terms are still in affect. The only difference is that the dates are now renewed on a month to month basis. So, whatever your original lease says, goes. If your expired lease used to require the landlord to cover septic cost, then it still does.

I would say the septic pumping is almost always the landlords responsibility, unless he required you to sign some sort of agreement holding you to those cost. If he did it would be stated in the original rental contract.

The quickest way to get your landlord to take care of this is by filing a complaint. Look for the link on the top of this page. I think there’s a $30 filing fee..?


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