More than 30 days- no security deposit back

By Anjana S

I leased a house for 1.5 years in Columbia, SC – paid rent on time, and shared the house with 2 consecutive room mates. No issues with the rent/everything. 

I moved out December 30th, 2010, to Seattle. And the house was cleaned and handed over. Of course the carpet was dirty from before I moved in – tenant before me stayed for 5 years, old apartment, and patches of black bit on the carpet. The landlord (leasing office) kept saying the carpet is going to take majority of the deposit away when he came to check as i moved out. he said he would check with the carpet person to tell me how much, and im wiaiting, for the past 1.5 months. 
The rent was 675 (started at 650), and the entire sec deposit in mine. My room mate moved in only for 7 months, so she did not pay the deposit.
I sent a demand mail (asking him about the sec deposit 2 days back),and kept calling him several times last month , he kept saying carpet guy not got back yet, he will call me back because he was busy, and then of course holidays (so unprofessional).
anyway, its been more than a month (its feb 11th today), and iw ant to know what I can do to get my deposit back. even if all the deposit goes towards the carpet, am i not supposed to receive a notice saying it  has gone towards so and so damage? Nothing arrived in the mail so far, and they are taking advatnage of my niceness. Can I fight them, and get my full deposit back? What is the process? Do I send another email reminding them?
Pls help. 

Edited on: Saturday, September 10th, 2011 9:24 am

One Response to “More than 30 days- no security deposit back”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 12th, 2011 10:55 am

In my opinion you have the right to dispute that. If its beyond 30 days. You always talk to them and sort things out. Or you can file a complaint through RPA which will do this for you instead. Sometimes we need to act on heavier things to get more closure and resolution.


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