Complaints About loud noise

By Mommyof2

We’ve been in our 2nd floor apartment for almost a year now.  We have a 2-year-old and an infant, but we’ve never had to worry about making too much noise because the apartment below was an unoccupied show-model.  Then one morning a few weeks ago, I go out to my car to see that someone had spit something nasty on it, and got a voicemail later that day saying that our downstairs neighbor made a complaint about the sound of kids running around.  I replied back that we didn’t realize the unit below had been rented, we’ll try to be more careful about noise, and reported the vandalism.

Now the downstairs neighbors have started banging their celiing pretty much anytime we make the tiniest noise.  We’re not loud noise people with tv or music, but our toddler runs around a lot like all toddlers do, and they bang.  Yesterday I was moving our kitchen appliances to clean behind them, and they banged.

We haven’t had anymore calls from the leasing office, but in the event that we do – are we in the wrong here?  Can this result in serious trouble for us?  We do not keep odd hours, our kids are in bed by 8, and we adults are not too far behind them.  We do try to control egregious noise, but we cannot stop our 2 year old from being 2, and I don’t think we should have to just because someone failed to google “apartment living” before renting a downstairs apartment.

Edited on: Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 9:39 am

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