Lease renewal
By Zara
I had lived here since June 2010. Now my lease is about to expired and I want to renew it for 6 months but my apartment manager said that I can renew it for 12 months or 13 months. She refuses to renew for 6 months. What should I do?
Edited on: Thursday, May 30th, 2013 9:03 pm
No Responses to “Lease renewal”
Lease renewal
By noodles
I moved to Arizona from Oklahoma in January. I found a house and we set up a move in when we arrived. On the website it stated that it rented out at a year lease. When I got here, I found that the lease was only from Jan 3, 2013 to May 31, 2013. I was fine with this because I figured I would just renew the lease for another 5 to 6 months. The five months is upon me, and I have decided I was moving back to Arizona in Decemeber of 2013, so I wanted to sign another 5 month lease. The realtor that was managing this property for the property owner (of which I have no name or contact number for) told me that I would have to sign a year lease, and that the property owner would probably not agree to 5 or 6. I told her to ask anyway, and she said she’d contact me when she has the owner’s answer. My question is, can they change the lease term from 5 months to 12 months if I was signing a renewal? And say the owner refused the 5 months, what would happen if I continued to reside in the leased home and just continued to pay the monthly rent?
Edited on: Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 2:32 pm
No Responses to “Lease renewal”
Cancel Lease after lease renewal?
By Renee'
I am losing my job and found one out of state. We were not going to be able to pay rent if I didn’t get a new job anyways. We were made to sign a lease renewal to our lease in February, but it doesn’t actually go into effect until July 16th. Is there any way I can get out of this?
Edited on: Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 10:39 pm
One Response to “Cancel Lease after lease renewal?”
anonymous July 8th, 2009 6:36 am |
Read your lease very carefully. It may allow you to provide a 30 or 60 day termination notice. But, even at that you will still have to pay for the next month or 2. |
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