lease longer than we signed up for!

By Trent

Before the date of move-in on 5-Mar-10 we had agreed only to choose these apartments only in the agreement of a nine month lease contract. This was offered to us by the leasing agent and reconfirmed by her on 28-Oct-10 at approximately 1600 local time. I casually reminded her of this agreement and she stated as recalling the fact that the lease was in fact agreed to because of the 9 month offer. We have been waiting for our letter of lease renewal but we never received it. The active un-agreed lease term of 13 months, unknown by us, was however still active as we later found out upon visiting the leasing office yesterday. We were advised and shown a copy of the original lease by agent Callie and were advised that they were “supposed” to change the original lease term from 13 months to nine months. We have been abiding by our agreed lease in good faith and since we knew that our lease was up in December we began looking for apartments elsewhere. From what we were told before signing the lease was we would receive a written request for renewal in the mail. However, due to the issue that we had no chance of resolving before we signed the lease we did not receive that letter. Therefore we attempted to discuss and advise the leasing office and have yet to resolve this issue.

 We have already found an apartment and paid over $300 for the fees and are currently waiting on our rental history to return for approval. however our only rental record is this place in which we have always paid on time and even 2weeks early for the majority! Can these apartments ruin our chance at these new ones? and do we have to follow the sixty day notice even though we never received a notice to renew as they had written they would?

 Thank you!!!

Edited on: Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 4:57 am

One Response to “lease longer than we signed up for!”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


November 2nd, 2010 9:51 am

I recommend that you file a complaint with the RPA to get help.


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