Lease extension?

By esm

I recently became fortunate enough to purchase my first home.  My lease ended at the end of April, but my home will not be ready until the end of June.  I went to my rental office and signed a 2 month extention and explained that I really needed 3 months.  I was told that it wasn’t a problem and to go ahead and write it on the top of the form and explain why I needed to stay the extra month.  I called the office to confirm that I still had the extra month available to move.  I was told “no” and that I had to be out the end of May.  I can’t move at this point and do not want to sign another 2 month extention.  I don’t believe they can force me out, at least not right away.  I would like to know if they can change the locks on my door now that I no longer have a signed lease.  I’ll gladly pay rent for one month.   I suppose if they deposit my check then that would be binding. If they don’t deposit the check or I don’t sign another extention I fear I will come home to a locked apartment.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Edited on: Thursday, May 7th, 2009 4:27 pm

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