landlords son


I am renting a house in Albuquerque New Mexico and asked the landlord a month ago to hook up the A/C. It never got hooked up and I had a party for my daughter last weekend and needed it so I did it myself. Now the landlords son is leaving rude as can be messages on my wifes phone saying we messed everything up. I checked it all when I hooked it up and everything was fine. I am also certified for working on heating and A/C and know what I am doing. The son of the landlord disconnected the A/C and continues to be rude and unproffesional about it, so I returned the attitude. I am not under contract with the landlord anymore. The 6 month lease ended 2 months ago. Do I need to give a notice on me leaving? And is there legal action I can take against them?

Edited on: Friday, May 13th, 2011 12:48 am

One Response to “landlords son”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 13th, 2011 11:52 am

Quick question, why are you still there if you don’t have a contract anymore? Apparently, the contract expired if that’s the case doing modifications in that premise would mean that a landlord has the right to be angry about. I suggest you rather talk to the landlord himself not the son. It’s better and effective that way.


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