Landlords not fixing issues with other tenant?
By Cher
I moved into a new apartment July 1st. I love this apartment, the only thing I dont love about it are the people that live below me. Since the first day that I came here, they have been nothing but nasty to me. I knocked on their door, intrduced myself, told them what 2 days I would be moving in and asked them if they could keep the driveway clear. We have a shared driveway. The first day the driveway was clear, however the 2nd day, the lady downstairs parked her car right at the end of the driveway covering part of the sidewalk. We knocked on her door, she wouldnt answer to move her vehicle, yet she watched us as we hauled my WHOLE life around her car to get it to the back door, where I live. Some of my belongings even got stolen because we had my life sitting on the curb as we emptied the uhaul at the curb.
Ever since that day, I have discovered that the driveway here is in no way, shape or form a shared driveway. I have complained to the landlord about it several times. They have 2 cars downstairs and they will pull in the driveway to make room for each other, but they will park on the very end of it, sometimes blocking the sidewalk, so that I cannot use any of it. The landlord said he couldnt understand why they were being like this and that he would send out a letter, the letter never got sent out and the problem still persists.
Last friday the woman approached me, after she apologized for misjudging me from day one??? And said that her and her hubby were going away to florida for 10 days, would I mind if SHE parked HER vehicle in the driveway for safety reasons and assured me that she would leave room for me to park behind her in the driveway. I was shocked, she actually had the consideration to ask me!! I said no problem, and went to work. By the time I got home from work, it was the same old story, both of their cars parked in the driveway, no room at all for my vehicle. I contacted the landlord immediately. He said be glad they left me a walkway and that there really isnt room for 3 cars anyway. I was so disgusted by his comments, I didnt respond..
Heres my problem. I have had several conversations with him about the shared driveway since Ive moved in here, hes insisted its supposed to be shared and now hes telling me there isnt room for 3 cars. I parked in the driveway a handful of times(when neither of them were home downstairs) and the woman came home and actually blocked me in the driveway by blocking the end of it in the street!!! I have taken picture after picture of what is going on here, but hes not doing anything about it. Winter is coming and I will have nowhere to park. I am to the point where I dont know what to do or say to him anymore.
Besides all of this, the woman has nagged to me to get my patio furniture off of the back grass so she could cut it. I moved it, she never cut the lawn. She just likes to think the whole place is hers and hes condoning it!I have worked very hard on this place when I moved here. The last tenant left a house full of dishes, furniture and crap that I had to move out. My gas stove leaks and the place needed a good painting and cleaning. I have taken care of all of this, things a tenant shouldnt have to do when the move into a place. I dont want to cause problems, but whats right is right!
If anyone has any words of wisdom for me I would greatly appreciate it. I love this place but these people are NOT following the rules and the landlord is not enforcing what he first told me, before I even rented here.
Thanks so much!!!
By the way, my kids love it here too and the dont want to move. Can I ask for a rent reduction or withhold rent until he fixes the situation? I really dont know what to do. These people are ignorant and everythings all about them as Im lugging my cases of pop and grocerys from the curb as they watch me. Their front door is 10 steps from the curb, yet I am the one who has to walk to the back of the house and up 20 stairs. I just dont get it!!
Edited on: Tuesday, October 4th, 2011 1:25 am
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