landlord won't repair a/c

By admin

My son is a new first time renter. He and his girlfriend are renting a house for $975 per month plus utilities. Their electric bill for May and June avaraged $225. Their bill for July was over $800. It was determined that the a/c was malfunctioning so they have not had the a/c turned on the past few weeks while waiting for the landlord to repair. Now the landlord is ignoring them and it has been well over 90 degrees for a the past 2 weeks. Can my son have the a/c repaired at his own expense and then deduct the cost from his rent?

Edited on: Monday, August 10th, 2009 12:27 pm

One Response to “landlord won't repair a/c”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


January 24th, 2011 5:35 am

In most states, if you notify the landlord with a certified letter of your concerns and tell them you’ll hire someone to fix it if they don’t within 10 days and then take it off your rent check, you usually can. Again, in most states if they don’t respond you can have the repairs done and take the repairs off your rent. That’s what I did and it finally got my landlords attention after his rent was cut by almost $550 one month!


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