Landlord threw out personal belongings

By Azdalila

Hi. I rent a one bedroom apartment (duplex) and have access through my kitchen to a narrow space between the unit and the fence that runs along the property. I stored two plastic bins filled with personal belongings as well as 2 pieces of furniture (covered in tarps and elevated off the ground with bricks) along the side of the unit. I never heard a complaint about this storage from the neighbors or the landlord. I subleased my unit last summer and while I was away, without notice, the landlord threw everything out claiming a fire hazard. He did not apologize nor reimburse me. I was also given no warning and did not find out until my belongings were gone. My personal items were worth about 250.00 total. Were his actions legal?

Thank you!

Edited on: Monday, September 27th, 2010 11:39 am

3 Responses to “Landlord threw out personal belongings”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


September 16th, 2009 9:55 pm

Is it illegal for my landlord to throw out my belongings…? this may not be a legal question as much as it is a ethical question. I think you would be pretty hard pressed to find a law specific to yard waste. However, you can always file a complaint with the RPA or take him to court. If its worth it?

shaun green

December 17th, 2010 7:49 am

hi my name is shaun green i was living at a smoke shop inside the store for 4 months worked for free as a manger of the store 2 nights ago he threw me out and he threatens to throw all my personal belongings out is this legal for him to do that? ive been told by law here in albuquerque nm that i have 30 days to get my personal belonings out. this smoke shop is run by arabs and have treated me very wrongly with disrepect, criticised me, wasnt allowed to do my homework for school and got droped out of school because of them just barely got back into school and has discriminated me so im just asking if it is legal for him to throw my personal belonings out on the street and if its legal for him to not pay me for working for 4 months even though i stayed in the store? please if you can id like to get a reply back as soon as posible! thanks and god bless you
sincerely shaun green

brittney lyall

April 28th, 2011 1:39 pm

Hi, my name is brittney lyall…i bought a trailor on land contract and i was paying ever mouth..well me and my husband lost r jobs and could not pay for the house so we give it back to him…and he has never called or try to get ahold of me and let me know if i want anything out of my place…i got told u have 30 days to get ur belongs out…well i went to the tralior to get my belongs but all my self is gone…he threw it all away after he said he would storge it in a rrom intill i can a truck to pick it up…everything he threw away was more then $4,000 with of household items and belongs…itsnt that illega to do that…what can i do…


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