Landlord not responding
I have been accepted to graduate school in Canada and would therefore need to leave my current apartment at the end of June. Since my lease is effective until the end of August, I would like to terminate my lease two months early. I have contacted my landlord through emails and letters regarding this but he would not respond to any of these. Another problem is that he had not been paying the condo fees so I have been legally instructed to pay my rent directly to the condominium trust and not to him. Under these circumstances, I do not feel comfortable introducing a replacement tenant to my landlord. Even if I do find a replacement, he would not reply to any of my emails or letters so I do not know what to do. There is no early termination clause in the lease. Is there any way I could terminate my lease early without having to pay the rent for July and August?
Edited on: Thursday, October 31st, 2013 9:44 pm
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Landlord not responding
I have been accepted to graduate school in Canada and would therefore need to leave my current apartment at the end of June. Since my lease is effective until the end of August, I would like to terminate my lease two months early. I have contacted my landlord through emails and letters regarding this but he would not respond to any of these. Another problem is that he had not been paying the condo fees so I have been legally instructed to pay my rent directly to the condominium trust and not to him. Under these circumstances, I do not feel comfortable introducing a replacement tenant to my landlord. Even if I do find a replacement, he would not reply to any of my emails or letters so I do not know what to do. There is no early termination clause in the lease. Is there any way I could terminate my lease early without having to pay the rent for July and August?
Edited on: Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 10:48 am
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