Landlord is inept, tenants below are nightmarish
By Silva22
(Landlord) has proven to be completely inept. His foot dragging on cleaning the apartment prior to our moving in, fixing some minor and few major problems from the very beginning were a clear indication of the future but we chose to try and look on the brighter side. Now 8 months into living here even the most minor issues are 4 to 6 week delay before (landlord) grudgingly addresses them. What has made the situation intolerable is the rental of the first floor apartment. We live in a 2 story house and the landlord decided to rent the apartment downstairs from us to the neighbors son & girlfriend and her son. Within days of the move in I had to go down and ask them (twice) to be quiet (post 11:30PM). They’ve since thrown out the landlords (first floor) refrigerator (which took up residence in the driveway for 4 weeks) they tossed his washer and dryer (the landlords and located on our side of the basement on the lease as useable by us on the second floor) and installed their own (I had to go and tell them to wire it to their own electricity)! They dragged all of (landlords) stuff from their side of the basement and put it on ours, making it impossible to pass by. Their friends are menacing when they visit, their dog scraps in the yard and they are "too busy to pick it up right away" (if at all) etc.
Edited on: Monday, October 7th, 2013 4:13 am
4 Responses to “Landlord is inept, tenants below are nightmarish”
Ciara June 2nd, 2010 12:22 am |
It sounds like you are looking to break your lease early, right? |
anonymous June 2nd, 2010 7:00 am |
The advice I would give would be to either force your landlord to make the needed repairs by properly escrowing your rent until the repairs are made, or do as Ciara said above and find a solution to terminate your lease early. |
Silva22 June 3rd, 2010 5:05 am |
Thanks for your advice and feedback. |
marty October 7th, 2013 8:05 pm |
You might need to talk over this serious concerns you have to your Landlord. And if he cannot settle all these complaints you have with your neighbor downstairs, then there is a section in RPA’s website that you can use to file for your complaint if your Landlord has not done anything to solve the problem you have. And worse,if your landlord chooses not to cooperate, well its high time for you to sue your Landlord for not doing his part on taking major actions on these issues with another tenant he has. |
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