Landlord invading privacy
By Carrie DeSalvo
Hello, am hoping to get some feedback on this because I can’t find it specifically addressed in rent laws. We finally convinced our landlord that it is against the law to come into the property when we are not home and that it is inappropriate for them to be sending us emails telling us that our dishes need to be in the dishwasher and not left in the sink and that our dirty laundry needs to be in a hamper. We suspect that they may be still coming in from time to time but cannot prove that. Our latest problem is they requested that we keep the ceiling fan off when we are not home. We told them that we did not mind trying to do so but forget from time to time. For the most part we keep it off when we are not home but this week being in a hurry, between work and visiting a family member in the hospital, we left a light and the fan on for about three hours when we left the house. They advised us that it is unacceptable and has to stop. (They have a summer home next to the property that we rent from them and come out a few days a week.) Oh and by the way, we pay our own utilities. We have a rental property and in five years and would never think of treating the tenants this way. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. Carrie
Edited on: Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 8:59 pm
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