Landlord Harassment and repair problems?


I have been living at my current place for four years. During this time, I have paid rent on time or early every single month. After two years, my boyfriend moved in with me, ever since that time, things have gone downhill with my landlord. She accused us of putting non-recyclable items in her recycle bin (she lives next door)- then dug out all of the trash (that wasn’t ours) and dumped it on our front porch.

  More recently- she was sold on the spot for an alarm system by a door to door salesman. Upon returning home at 5:30 pm on a Monday evening, she was standing there with the salesman, insisting that they look at our house to make an estimate. They did. Three hours later, I got a text from her that the installers would be there in a few minutes. They were in our house until 11:00pm installing- with NO prior notice. Over the course of the next week, my landlord called and emailed me over 5 times per day with "updates" on her arguements with the alarm company as she tried to cancel the contract. Meanwhile, the smoke alarm was set off every time we showered, and because we were not given permission by her to cancel the alarm, the fire department was sent out.
     Friday of that week, my boyfriend came home from work to find our front door standing wide open- our cat was missing and things in the house were out of place, but nothing stolen. We reported this to the landlord, she called the police. I declined to file a report as nothing was stolen.
     Finally- the company came to take out the alarm- after cancelling two previous appointments which I was required to take time off of work to attend. They were de-installing until 9:00pm.

  We decided to move then and gave notice (this was in May, our lease not up until Sept 1). Since that time, she has insisted on doing between tenant upgrades.

  Last week- she had a swamp cooler installed, the workmen arrived (two of them clearly drunk) at 9:00am- they were installing until 9:30pm. Turns out there was issues with the installation. The workment arrived again on Saturday (we were told we had to be out of our house and out of the way)- they worked for 5 hours. We came home to 3 large cigar butts right in front of our front door (our lease prohibits smoking of any kind anywhere on the property and specifies that visitors must smoke in the alley or further). When I made my concerns clear- she accused me of being petty for bringing it up.

 I received a text at 10:14 am on Tuesday letting me know the workmen would be returning AGAIN in less than an hour to finish the job.

  On Friday, we came home from a baseball game to again find our front door wide open and things out of place (by this time we are convinced it is the landlord letting herself in…). This time we called the police and filed a report.

  My question is- can we bill the landlord for a rent refund for each of the days we were put out of our home without notice?

We are in Colorado. Please cite specific statutes if possible.

 Thank you-


Edited on: Tuesday, August 7th, 2012 5:21 pm

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