landlord complaint

By Lashawn Wilkins

  Dear Rental Agency, this landlord that I’m currenlty renting from has caused me nothing but ongoing problems, he has repeatedly called the police after being denied a false claim in court about things he advertised with the apartment such as laundry facilty, kitchen, bathroom, and microwave he has suggested I a female take showers not baths due to his need to use the facility after drinking. He has taken access of the stove, removed the refrigerator ,and microwave I have tried to compromise by not letting him know that the constant demands and his behavior is annoying , I was hoping to be moved before that happened; however he has now change the locks and he is more than unapproachable so I’ve entered through my bedroom window to avoidapproaching him; however I would like to know if I am entitled to any monetary claims or otherwise what can I do to rectify this matter without accepting any loses.  Thank you, Sincerely, Lashawn Wilkins

Edited on: Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 9:16 pm

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Landlord complaint

By Mary

I just recently moved in to this apartment community, all of the apartment complexes in the neighborhood are individually owned. But, ours is the worse by far. Our apaartment complex landscape is so uncared for and other problems from an old roof, plumbing, and gutters have not been cared for in a while. Myself and other tenants have brought these issues up to the landlord, but he simply tells us he can’t afford to work on these issuse, yet he owns several properties and travels constantly.

Along with our landlord not working on our conerns, we have problems throughout the neighborhood, from cars racing up and down the street, graffiti, loud music, individuals hanging out late at night throughout the neighborhood and, the near by high school. And, just recently a shooting. We also have wonder dogs unleashed and no owners, our concern for our family and children is a constant worry!

I have tried contacting the city of San Jose, as well as our district council member, and organizations throughout our neighborhood but, I have not gotten any call backs or support. Is there any way you can assist as in our neighborhood?

Thank you,

Mary Sesma

Edited on: Thursday, January 10th, 2013 3:34 pm

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