Landlord Charging for heating no proof of charges.
By Will
I have lived in my apartment with my roommate since Sep. 2010
Around January we received our first heating bill.All we received was a "self made" invoice. With a due date, and our fee. It was about $40-$50. We paid, and each month our totals increased.
I became frustrated when I saw that at least 2 other residents in our apartment building were paying the EXACT same amount.
It appears that our landlord has an account with PSE&G and is simply dividing our heat amongst the tenants. Is this legal?
If this is legal does the landlord have the right to NOT show us the PSE&G Bill?
I think that at a minimum, if dividing amongst tenants is legal, our landlord should have to show us the bill so we know wether or not we are being overcharged.
On a side note, We do not want the amount of heat we are getting. It is actually discomfortable. We have no control over the heat in our house, It is VERY hot, too hot we need to open windows to let the heat out. There is a KNOB on our radiator that allegedly controls the heat but it does no such thing.
And if we had a knob to control the heat shouldn’t our monthly rates be different amongst all tenants?
Edited on: Sunday, February 20th, 2011 3:49 pm
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