Landlord charging for bedbug chemical treatment
By Ram
I have leased this apartment in apr 2011, after 2 months, around june i am out on job for 4 months and no one at the apartment.During the
month of december i found some red rash and itching on my hands but i ignored it as a dry skin rash because of the cold weather. After couple of weeks my kids started
scratching, then we investigated for bed bugs. I found 2 live adult bed bugsin my master bed where as another bed room and living area also we experienced bites.
Immediately i complained (Phone call) to my apartment office, management told me they are going to send PCO for an inspection.
Next week they came and confirmed that there are be bugs but the infestation is mild. Week later apt management scheduled for the 1st chemical treatement but they
Never told me that we are responsible for the cost,I have not signed any paper with the pest cotrol team. 2 days later we were still experiencing the bites in bed room
and living roomso we again complained (Phone call) and apt management scheduled for 2nd treatement but this time also they never told me that we are
responsible for the cost, I have not signed any paper with the pest control team.
week later around we again complained that we are still getting very small red bumps and itchy skin and asked for an inspection with the
sniffer dog to make sure. Apt mgmt scheduled for an inspection(without the sniffer dog) and the representative from the pest ontrol company team came and told us and the mgmt that"They can’t see any live bed bugs/infestation. Next week around we again complaied through mail and the apt manager replied that we can’t get any more sparys
as ther are no bed bugs
Today i complained again through mail that we are still experiencing the bites, the manager replied saying that we can’t get any more treatements. In case if
we want more treatments for bed bugswe have to pay for it and Mgt is also asking us to pay $800 for the previous 2 treatments. Today i called and told that i am not responsible for this cost as thay did n’t told me before the treatements are done.But the manager refuses and makes us responsible for the bed bugs. she says that we brought them from travel. The manager also said they do back charge residents for things that are not their responsibility.
Please suggest us what to do? we are under stress in a help less condition with 2 small kids.
Edited on: Monday, February 27th, 2012 11:42 pm
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