Laid off- is there anyway to get out of lease?

By Jenny

My husband was just laid off last week so we are having to move back home (about six hours away). We will be living with family because we simply can’t afford to pay all of our bills with my pay alone. The problem is our lease is not up until December. The apartment said there is no way to get out of the lease unless we are in the military. So, we are expected to pay all seven months of rent when we move out (it will be about six thousand dollars, which we don’t have!). I know that we signed the lease, but my question is, do we have any recourse? I understand that the apartment needs to have some sort of fee for breaking a lease but this seems unreasonable and there is no way we can pay it. Help!

Edited on: Friday, October 22nd, 2010 1:01 pm

One Response to “Laid off- is there anyway to get out of lease?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


April 22nd, 2009 7:32 pm

Hi Jenny!
Sorry about your husbands job, that stinks! Something like this happened to my friend. I told her about the RPA, she decided to file a complaint with the RPA. I don’t know how much she had to actually pay to get out of her lease, but she said the agent that worked with her was able to get the fee minimized. You might want to file a complaint. It will start RPA Mediation. I just checked out the complaint page and it will cost you only $35 to file. To me, that would be worth it.


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