Is this too much?
By R2who
Family of 4 just moved in to a single family home. We didnt realize how many bandaid fixes were around until we settled in, its been about 2 weeks or so now. I created this addendum on 6/10/13. We moved in 6/1/13. I have sent it to the property manager. There is extensive water damage, causing door frames to rot. PM sends maintenance to repair frame, the guy cuts a piece, A PIECE, of the frame at the bottom and replaces it with some sort of PVC to stop the water from coming in. The pool has cracks, holes, craters and if you swim under you can peel it away with your fingers. There was a pool guy coming to maintain the pool, he couldnt get the pool to not be cloudy. I told landlord I will handle, I have had a pool my entire life-no stranger to pool stores. Once I got it right and could it the bottom OMG> Is it too much/too late to add and addendum to lease? The smoke detectors are there but are not in working function-even with new batteries. Is it my responsible to purchase a whole new detector system?The windows do not operate correctly, looks like they used to be screwed shut.
I have no issues doing to maintenence to property as long as I compensated (taken off rent) for the materials/labor.
Again is it too much/too late?
Pool maintenance to be handled by tenant, supplies purchased to be credited with valid invoice/receipt.
Upon approval, tenant may make renovations to property and with approval, subject to credit with invoice/receipt.
-All windows to be properly weather-sealed, locking function enabled and able to give proper ventilation
-Lawn (landscaping), one time, to be credited to tenant
-Home to be sealed around base-deep depressions surrounding the home
-Gutters to be added to prevent standing water, dampness to foundation and exterior walls
-Drainage (French drain) to be added to front of property to prevent standing water, dampness to foundation and exterior walls
-Pool needs to be remarcited-lots of deep holes, craters and cracks
-Pool pump motor to be updated/upgraded
-Pool jet to be replaced
-Various electrical code violations (fire hazards) to be upgraded (bedrooms, garage, kitchen area)
-Front door to be replaced-are not structurally sound- water damage
-Back doors to be replaced-are not structurally sound-water damage
-Interlink Smoke Detectors
These repairs/updates/upgrades/modifications may fall under the Chapter 11 Florida Minimum Housing Code, Section 1108, Section 1109 and Section 1110.
Edited on: Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 8:27 am
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