Is this legal can they do this?

By Montgomery doubter

 Moved into an apartment and was told that I had to pay a credit re-establishment fee of the rent amount.  I never signed the agreement to pay the fee.  I have paid part of it because of them threating to charge me $5 dollars a day until I paid it.  I thought that fees like this were outlawed.  Please advise.  Since then I gotten an additional threat from them which was $128 dollars over what I owe.   Please Advise.

Oh on top of this fee, they would not answer questions about the state of the apartment and why it was off line for so long.  I had to come in and clean it to remove oily substance in the kitchen and when I told them I smelled something like mildew in the bathroom.  They came back "oh no, we don’t smell anything."  Within a month or so the ceiling started raining water from the upstairs bathtub.  Which was most likely leaking from the start.

Need to know my rights.

 Montgomery doubter

Edited on: Thursday, May 19th, 2011 4:55 pm

One Response to “Is this legal can they do this?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 30th, 2011 9:39 am

You said that you never signed the fee and they’ve been threatening you! A landlord cannot force a tenant to pay fee’s that he never signed and is not on the lease. It’s illegal for a landlord to do that. If you believe that your tenant has not done what is required in the rental agreement then you can sue your landlord.I urge you to review your lease. You can file a complaint through RPA and they will get involved and try to resolve the problem. It won’t cost you much.You will get legal assistance for sure. Your problem with your landlord needs immediate action as he is violating your rights! Good luck!


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