Is this allowed?

By Jessica

I recieved an eviction notice stating to go to court on the 15th of December. I was told by the person who identified themselves as someone from the court that if I talked to the land lord I would not have to go to court. So I called the landlord and said that I would be out on Friday. We finished getting everything out after 5pm so I am planning on taking the keys to the landlord on Monday. Starting Thursday morning the landlord has been calling my parents, not me, leaving nasty messages. It was actually upsetting my mom and dad since they are not involved in my apartment in anyway. There first time going there was the day I moved out. Today a neighbor called me and said that the landlord was in my apartment. I was not there, the keys are not turned in, and I was not legally evicted. I know I don’t have anything of value in the apartment but its just the principle that he is just going in there because he can.  The last thing is that he is saying that there is substantial damage in the apartment which there is not. I have actually taken pictures because I am not paying extra for something that isn’t there.

Edited on: Friday, August 24th, 2012 8:13 pm

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