Is my apt not up to code?
By novaceleste
I am having some concerns about my apt. When we first rented from this property, the walls under the sink were covered in black mold. When I complained about it, The manager told me to wipe it down with bleach. Yeah, right. We moved into a different unit and this time the counters in the kitchen and the bathrooms, as well as both bathtubs were painted with white paint. This makes the counters impossible to clean. Anything I set down, sticks to the counter. The bathtubs are another story. I cannot get these clean either, but more concerning is that they are extremely slippery. I am at a loss. I so want to get off of this property…now. Any suggestions would be greatly apperciated.
Edited on: Wednesday, December 15th, 2010 7:43 am
One Response to “Is my apt not up to code?”
Lucas May 16th, 2011 10:02 am |
Sounds like there’s a whole lot of things to clean up huh. Anyways, file a complaint about it if talking to the landlord to do some maintenance doesn’t help. here’s a link i happen to check. It might be helpful for you. |
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