Is it legal for an apartment complex to only check 4 bed bugs doing a certain time of the year?

By Ronnie

Hi my mom is disabled and is sharing an apartment with some friends, anyway I have recently found out with my eyes that thier place must have a nest somewhere. They have just recently brought a new mattress this summer 2010 and already its time for a new one becasue of the bed bug problem in this complex. I told her to call the complex, so she did and they told her that they only come out in the summer. What ! type of crap is that, so you are suppose to just live in an infested area until the summer comes bck around this complex is clearly not concerned about there residents and there well being. Im really upset my mom dosent want any trouble and niether do I. All we want is the right thing to be done, These ppl arlready have health issues my mom had leg ambutation so she can only do but so much and her friends are older and can barely get around and the complex even knows this. What am I to do I know in my soul this is not right. seems like were just going to be going back and forth with these ppl. Once again is this legal? Lord help us please!!!!!

Edited on: Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 10:54 pm

One Response to “Is it legal for an apartment complex to only check 4 bed bugs doing a certain time of the year?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Tennessee bed bug removal

February 7th, 2011 4:23 pm

I would file a complaint. That sounds like a crime. I am not sure what the state regulations are but I would definetly try and find out. I don’t know how an apartment complex can get away with it. We have had a hard time with Tennessee bed bug removal. Also, have you read the lease to see if it says anything about it? You could try that and see if there is anything you can use against the complex. Good luck…I am sorry they are stick in a place like that when its not their fault!!


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