Is email legaly binding?
By Rea
Last month my tenant send me a text that she will have to pay 7 days late. She did, but I snet her an Email that late payments are not going to be tolerated due to my finatial obligations. This month, she promised to pay 6 days late, but on that day, she said a text about having problems with the bank acctount. I sent her an email suggesting to move voluntarily, instead of me starting eviction process. She constanly acts passive-agressive, ignores to respond to emails/ texts ia n timely manner and upon my presistence she acts as if I am harrasing her. Finally she sent an email giving me a 21day notice to move and using last month rent to cover her rent for this month. I printed lease termination agreement and she is now ingnoring to give me a signed copy back. She is acting shady, and I am afraid that if next month comes that I will have to evict her anyway. Is the email notice legaly binding? Do I need to insist on certified mail notice? If she does not sign mutually agreed lease termination, can I stiil start eviction process considering that she emailed the 30 day notice. How long should I wait for her to sign the agreement? I am reluctant to insist, since she is claming harrasment after 2 emails and 2 texts.
Edited on: Tuesday, July 10th, 2012 2:32 pm
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