I got screwed….

By stressed out

I was renting a home and decided to find something closer to my work and my children’s school so I gave a 30day notice to my landlord. Six weeks prior to giving notice my landlord came up to the house and looked over things and had asked if we had planned on staying another year and I had let him know we were not sure at that point but I would give him plenty of notice so he had asked if he lowered the rent from $2100 to $1900 or a free month would we stay, but that was not the issue for us it was the distance so he was not too happy but acted professional at that time. Three weeks before we were to move he sent me an email letting me know he would be out of town and to "Please contact ***** ***** at ####### and she will arrange to meet you and get the keys to the house & mailbox. If you want, she can also do a preliminary walk through with you a week or so before you leave to advise what cleaning may be necessary." (His exact word) We didn’t call her because we had been packing and getting ready to move but hadn’t yet and as far as we were concerned this was not an offer to due the final walk through and we knew what needed to be cleaned. The email seemed to us that she would tell us what to clean since she is a paid employee he uses to clean his homes. Well we had three individual who cleaned for two days and one of those individuals was a property manager of 15yrs came to help. On the day we had to turn in the keys our landlord was out of town so he had this cleaning lady come to the home to get the keys and I had asked her at that time aren’t we doing a walk through and she said she didn’t have time because she had a home she was cleaning and had to get to her appointment and that the landlord would be in contact. Well three weeks went by and no word so I left him a message and we didn’t hear back so my husband emailed him and he said we was still going over the invoices from the property, we didn’t know at the time what he was talking about until we received a letter in the mail from him stating all sorts of things the cleaning crew had to clean charging us $1400.00 in cleaning fees. We had also used cut pine fire wood (from two year prior that he had cut) he had on the property with his permission but we had to replace what we used (not a problem) so the day we left the home we needed the fire wood delivered and he said not too that he would shop around and get the wood and deduct it out of our deposit, we didn’t have a problem with that until we got the letter and seeing he charged us for oak fire wood  and of course your looking at a difference of $140 a cord for pine and $250 a cord for oak. We had put $4200 down for a deposit and he took the entire deposit. I don’t know what to do since this was my entire savings and he has the funds to fight me in court. The house was spotless and the cleaning lady who said it wasn’t got paid to clean it again?????? She made money off this. Its there word against mine but the people who helped me can testify. I figured he did this since he mentioned it was going to take months to rent out since it was so far out in the country. Any advise my husband is so frustrated and I’m hurt since we took care of this home like it was our own even getting on the roof to clear pine needles and burning any brush left from the winter, and no shoes on the carpet at all. One more thing he is a licensed real estate agent and this was his home.

Edited on: Thursday, July 19th, 2012 11:48 am

One Response to “I got screwed….”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


June 20th, 2010 9:39 pm

You are dealing with a classic case of Rental Deposit Dispute.  Its common for landlords to keep all or most of deposits for fees they drum up.  However, you have the right to fight the charges.  The fastest and easiest way is by filing a complaint with the RPA.  I think there’s a link at the top of this page.  

I hope that helps..  Don’t let him keep your money!  It sounds like you have a very valid case.


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