How to safeguard from false no dues charge

By anjali

What are my rights when I leave the apartment. Is the management office suppose to give me a letter saying I have no dues. What kind of confirmation an apartment should give when you leave the apartment especially when you made no deposit initially on renting the apartment. How can you avoid wrong dues claimed by apartment or false ‘not paying dues’ charge after you have left the apartment. I am in Mississippi my apartment management has charged $250 from two families and have submitted a civil court case for non payment of dues. But both families were not informed that they had some dues. This has dropped their credit score by 150 points. I don’t want this to happen to me. All of us pay rent on time. we never defaulted and now this non payment charge by ‘Park at Moss Creek, Jackson MS’ is a big trouble. I would appreciate some guidance in this issue.

Edited on: Friday, March 27th, 2015 7:37 am

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