how can I end lease due to loss of job?

By guest

I lost my job last August and now (Feb 19) I can’t afford paying rent as I depleted all my savings. Can I expect that the real estate company will let me move out earlier than the 2nd year term expires (09/31/2012) or at least lower the rent? I did not have a month-to-month choice after the 1st year term expired on 08/31/2011 and I had to sign the 12 month term lease again. Please advise what I can do in such situation. I greatly appreciate your advice!

Edited on: Sunday, February 19th, 2012 11:26 am

2 Responses to “how can I end lease due to loss of job?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 21st, 2012 12:36 am

It’s really a bad thing to loss your job while the lease is active. Before I was renting and I only sign for 6 months lease to be sure. For this problem, no they won’t terminate your lease until it expires. The thing is, lease is a binding contract and failure to follow this contract may end in a law firm. You can do 4 things. 1. You look for another job. 2. You sublease your apartment to another person. 3. You pay the penalty which would be too much and 4. You grovel and grovel till your landlord accepts.

former Renter

February 23rd, 2012 12:41 pm

Thank you very much for your response and 4 options! Your comments helped me!


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