House Went into Foreclosure and Now I am Not Getting Security Deposit for False Reasons!

By LexieK

So we found out that the house we were renting was going under foreclosure.  We were going to renew but since this was the case, we decided to leave at the end of our lease.  The landlord started to get really harrassing about the whole situation and made our lives such living hell that we decided to move out early (still paying the rest of the rent early).  The relationship had gotten so sour that we didn’t even want to see him for a walk through, just moved out.

Well, we are now finding out that the house he was living in is also being foreclosed on so now we are worried that we won’t get our security deposit back at all.  Well I take that back, I expect NOT to get it back (not because we caused ANY damages but because if he is in that bad of shape, I suspect he didn’t stash that money away).  But I am worried that we will get a bill for additional damages that we didn’t cause on top of the security deposit.  I know that he has to provide documentation for the repairs but the more complicating part is that he is a contractor so he could claim he did the bogus repairs and document it to the point where he could say we owe him even more than the deposit!

We still haven’t heard from him yet, so I have no real evidence yet but I am curious what my options might be and if he could do this.  I would love to get my $1250 back but I am truly not expecting it.  But I really don’t want to pay him any more or take him to court over the whole thing.  Any suggestions of what my rights are?

Edited on: Tuesday, December 28th, 2010 6:18 pm

One Response to “House Went into Foreclosure and Now I am Not Getting Security Deposit for False Reasons!”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


December 28th, 2010 8:41 pm

I am in the process of renting an appartment. On Sunday I called the agent and was quoted a price of $635.00 for two
bedrooms when I arrived on Monday morning the quoted price suddenly jumped to $759.00 after I explained to them my salary
I was told that there sould be no problems. I asked why it went up they responded that the rent changes daily. With the sudden change I had to have son sign an affidavit that he would assist me with $464.00 each month and have it noterized. I went immediately and got all the paper work that was needed stating that I did not want to take a chance on it going higher by tommorrow and the response was no it wont . Of course that was suspect to say the least.
I mentioned that I would have my grandsons over to stay every once in a while and now they want the social security number of my grandsons.
I gave them my social and had after thoughts and I really dont want to give them my grandsons numbers for privacy sake and due to the fact that we are always being warned to not give it out .
The name of apartments is The Summits on in Mesquite Tx. What are my arights in this matter and does it seem that I am
being discriminated against under the fair housing law.


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