here 6 months fourplex adjacent apt vacated now bedbugs
By tish
try this one. i moved into a fourplex jan this year. adjacent renters vacated end of may i have never heard of these parasites til i showed my daughter bites on june third and she said bedbugs and started lookin in the folds of upolstery on my couch which is where i sleep and i do not have any bedroom furniture at all thankfully.well we found three live juveniles and many case skins and poop specks really. so doing whats morally right i did research and bagan treating. i then on june fifth emailed my landlord notifying her of the bed bugs and asking for help. her response which ive saved all receipts of supplies including extra electrictyc adding up to about five hundred dollars im on ssdi cant afford much of anything correspondence with the landlord and a adult bedbug in my freezer…. she saidn that property had no bugs until now. i suggest you do some research and remedy the situationl also to note i am a person trying to live with severv menatl illness im schizophrenicn bipolar one disorder and borderline personality disorder. i havent really slept since the discovery and incurred first degree chemical burns on my feet from cleaning my floors crappy tile floors with bleach nonstop paranoian itchingn constant bathing etc. im sureu all understand. in theprocess i also did whats right and notified my neighbors. well the one directly in front of me happens to be the landlords grandchild. go figure! then i she tells me she had them three houses back shes only nineteen, so i dont think she was at any of them too long. about a week later child neighbro suddenly texts me at twp am and tells me that my guests can no longer park in front and they have to park out back. which is an alley. i have a twenty yr old daughter and three yr old grandbaby that come over to help with shopping etc daily living needs. ive been here for six months and now park in back??in flippin alley?? so i email landlord that i feel im being bullied and harrased. landlord responds and i notice she has forwarded my conern email to the perpetrator. illegal people. thats threatening intimidation and in my opinion discrimination. oh and when i tried to show child neighbor family of landlord. she told me to put the meth pipe down and she doesnt deal with tweakers. im lost alone angry sad and completely offended. broke cant pay rent for june it all went to bedbugs thank god for reciepts. plz help me. i dont want nor should have to leave my home and go inpatient because of other people true craziness. im mentally ill not stupid uneducated or crazy if you will. my thoughts are with all thathave before or now or will have any dealings with these little nasty embarrasing vamipres. bless all
Edited on: Saturday, June 29th, 2013 8:18 am
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