Help Please

By Mel

I currently live in an apartment in TN. We have had several repair issues since we moved in but this one takes the cake. I have had a weak spot in my master bathroom for months now and have turned in numerous work orders to no avail. Then on 7/3/2010 I took a written notice to the office handed it to the manager and had her initial my copy to say she received it asking again to have the floor addressed. You see my husband has Multiple sclerosis and is in a wheelchair and all though we have 2 bathrooms this happens to be the one they installed the grab bars in and this is the one he needs to use most often. I told them I felt this floor was becoming a danger to him and I needed it fixed insert cricket’s chirping here because nothing was done. So on 7/14/2010 I sent an email to management CC’d the regional manger and got a read receipt still nothing not a peep. Then came last night 8/15/2010 while trying to roll out of the bathroom in his power chair the floor gave way under him and my husband and his chair went tumbling into a hole the size of  dinner plate. I had to climb over the counters to get to him and once I determined I would not be able to get him out by using the controller I had to unlock the chair and pull all 300 pounds of it with him in it out of the bathroom. this morning I contacted the property manager and the regional manager in writing to alert them to the situation and you guessed it I am still sitting here tonight with a hole in my floor. Not one person has called or even sent maintenance down to asses it. Can someone please tell me if I have some kind of legal recourse.  My husband was not injured other then some cuts to his legs and I had to go to the doctor this morning for my back and neck and now I can not transfer him out of his chair because I can  not use my left arm.  But most important I need this floor fixed.

Edited on: Monday, August 16th, 2010 8:56 pm

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