heating issues

By anthony

My heat went out three days ago, the landlords sent someone to look at it and the repair man said the heater was dead, and had to be  replaced, since then the landlords arent returning my calls, the last i heard from them was that it would be repaired tommorow (that was mon it is now tue), At the lease signing we were told the house was old  and werent allowed to use portable heaters, its winter and the temps are  dropping to 19 degrees,  i would like to know what to do or how to make  my landlords move faster in repairing my heat, any help would be greatful

Edited on: Thursday, June 28th, 2012 2:37 am

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heating issues

By anthony

My heat went out three days ago, the landlords sent someone to look at it and the repair man said the heater was dead, and had to be  replaced, since then the landlords arent returning my calls, the last i heard from them was that it would be repaired tommorow (that was mon it is now tue), At the lease signing we were told the house was old  and werent allowed to use portable heaters, its winter and the temps are  dropping to 19 degrees,  i would like to know what to do or how to make  my landlords move faster in repairing my heat, any help would be greatful

Edited on: Tuesday, December 28th, 2010 8:43 am

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