By lisa
Hi..I’m not sure how to handle this sitution. I have been renting a home in Orlando,Fl for almost 2yrs ,unfortunetly over the last year i have started dialysis and it has taken quite a financial and emotional toll….i have made several arrangments with my landlord in order to make my payments all which I have complied with….but as of late I feel as though I am drowning finacially and I am almost three weeks behind…I have contacted my landlord and asked her if I could move out 2 months before the end of my lease.pay her my past due and forfeit to her all my deposits for her trouble along with making sure the property was in good condition to show to new tenants till I moved. I asked to move so that while i may be drowning finacially I donot take her with me and she could find a tenant who can afford the rent as I no longer could. I do know that if she did not find a new tenant I still could be held liable but my intention was not to leave her high and dry but to pay up and move on. I am not sure how I could have handled things differentl but since I told her of my plan to give notice and move ( again because I no longer have the funds) she has threatened to evict and throw me out in the street if i do not pay immediatly ,she has threatened to contact all my friends,family and co-workers and notify them of my deliquentcies,theatended to drag my children and myself out of the house herself,threatened to "ruin" me all over town,threatened to get me "out of her house" anyway she knows how,has threatened to call the police if she see’s my "black" adopted son come visit me cause he must sell drugs,she threatens me and screams profanities at me evrytime i try and talk to her to the point where I don’t even pick-up the phone( I know avoidence is not good) I have no problem leaving ASAP as that was what I wanted in order to survive finacailly but I was hoping to give notice,pay bal. due in a week and move out gracefully but she said she wouldnt wait and she planned on making me suffer till I was out:/ I’m sorry if I’m rambling….I think in part to being so upset over this and in part to all the crazy medications I take….Please advise…as my intentions were to never upset her so badly…I just wanted to move on so she could get someone else more finacially stable…Help:////
Edited on: Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 10:21 pm
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