Harassment and Nitpicking

By Not Yet

This lot owner made us take off our satelite off a home that wasnt even theirs, I rent it from someone else.  Also they nitpick and harass us every year about weeds that aint hardly out of the ground i mow them or chop them everytime they get as tall as grass when it needs to be chopped.  They are complaing about everything even on the home that aint even theirs.  I heard for a neighbor that they wanted to buy this house from the person i rent it from and the person i rent it from dont mind me renting.  This harassment is unreal with them.  They allow animals to go loose around the park or whatever it is.  These things demolished my yard with crap so i got mad and told them i aint doing another thing till they make whoever responsible clean it up my big yard looked a restroom and going out my front door you could even smell it it was that bad and its not to small of a yard. They did get it cleaned up. Harasment stoped after i got mad.  Something tells me they have no right to harass me at all.

 Anyhow what can i do about this stuff?

Edited on: Thursday, June 21st, 2012 1:32 pm

One Response to “Harassment and Nitpicking”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Not Yet

April 10th, 2011 7:09 pm

One other thing im a very clean person, i dont even touch my electronics without washing hands so this stuff dont get out of hand outside. I leave a bag hanging outside cause the wind blows here and this bag is for garbage i got it secure it dont blow its my garbage bag when it gets full i seal it and throw it away. its a walmart bag and used for trash that blows in the yard from neighbors and wind all over.

they threaten to charge us its like they dont have nuthing better to do but harass us and threaten us for keeping it not perfect but what i believe to be above average.


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