frustrated with landlord/boss

By Lori

I work for a property management firm/real estate office. My boss is what one might call a slumlord-he collects the money and does not make the approptiate repairs. These people are HUMANS TOO! He does not want us to call them back, tell them what we are going to do(which is typically NOTHING) We have tenants with NO HEAT and BABIES, MOLD, No window locks, broken stairs, unstable railings, no screens, leaky faucets-causing increased water bills, broken thermostats causing constantly running fans therefore increased electric bills, does he care-NO NO NO!!! Flooded basements, shall I go on? One had a built in stove, it caugh fire 2 days before xmas-told them he would send someone out. He didnt of course until after xmas. He told the worker to pull it out and let them get their own stove!! HELL NO! They fought him and he ended up getting them one, BUT he didnt fix the tile where he tore the old stove out, they have to fix that! I have one tenant that has had rotted floor aroung her toilet for 3 yrs on an upstairs apt and she’s afraid to use it(yes just one BR)now. He is just now getting to that one-who know what he will do. Should I let the owners of these properties know what he’s doing? Should I keep my mouth shut? Who can I contact? We do have a lot of Section 8 tenants-WHO ARE HUMANS TOO! I dont care if I lose my job as long as he is stopped and these people are taken care of. There is another worker that has to keep her job though. He also talks to us like dirt and treats us like we are trash! HELP US PLEASE-WE NEED ADVICE!!!

Edited on: Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 11:06 am

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